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Carpigiani Counter Top Ice Cream Machine Ready 6 9



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  • High performance batch freezer & Pasteuriser in one
  • Perfect for making base mixes, Artisan Gelato, Sorbet, Crystal & Granita
  • Makes 9kg per hour
  • Plug & Play
  • Air cooled – No water needed

Five automatic programs are available: Two for creating mouth-watering milk gelatos and fresh fruit sorbets; one for creating the ideal fruit slush; and two for creating the unique CRYSTAL milk or fruit gelato. Three automatic programs are available: one that will pasteurise the mixture and create gelato; another that will pasteurise, age, and then create gelato; and a third that will heat and cool the mixture before creating gelato.

Post chilling: As the gelato exits the cylinder, the post chilling function introduces cold to preserve its consistency throughout the extraction process.
POM Beater: There is no central shaft in this beater. Every time, the gelato is completely extracted thanks to its POM blades, which are impervious to the cold.
Hard-O-Tronic®: This is the only way to make a great gelato. The values of the gelato in the batch freezer and the programmed consistency are continuously shown on the LCD panel. You may always adjust it to create the gelato of your dreams by pressing the arrows.

You can begin the production cycles while adding ingredients because all of the command buttons are still fully accessible when the hopper lid is open.
The purpose of the optional shelf mat is to secure trays while gelato is being extracted.
A versatile shelf is one that can be positioned in three different ways and at two different heights.
Even when placed in tight areas, the front drip tray makes cleaning simple.
To get the most recent equipment information, scan the QR Code on the machine’s front: Carpi Care Kit, Carpi Clean Kit, and Instruction Manual.
simple method: use your batch freezer to prepare and pasteurise the mixture.

By regulating the cylinder’s temperature after the gelato has been removed, the delayed cleaning program ensures hygienic conditions. Therefore, in the event of extended work stoppages, washing the machine right away is not required.
Beater has blades that may be removed for thorough cleaning.
The detachable gelato extraction tube and hot washing of the cylinder make cleaning simple.
The sheet metal is treated with Scotch-Brite for speedy cleaning.
Any remaining gelato can be completely removed by removing the extraction chute.
Purchase the Carpi Clean and Carpi Care kits from your dealer to maintain the highest level of machine hygiene.
Detachable plastic door. With a wider extraction door to expedite product extraction and an aperture to add additives, the redesigned door guarantees easy cleaning.

Additional information

Weight 110 kg
Dimensions 550 D × 360 W × 740 H mm

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